Thanksgiving 30 Day Challenge: Day 2

Today, I am thankful for all the acorns that are in my garden.

They will provide food for the squirrels, chipmunks, woodpeckers, deer, turkey and quail during the winter months. They contain large amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fats as well as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and niacin. At this time of year acorns can make up 25% of a deer's diet.

And we have thousands of them. Seriously, you have to be careful walking through the woodland garden at this time of year because they fall like bombs out of the sky. And, if one hits you on the noggin it hurts! 

My two youngest boys decided to collect some of them and put them in a bird feeder on a stump. In their words, "the squirrels won't have to work so hard to collect them, mom".

Notice that the little hats have come off most of the acorns. We collect those too and use them in craft projects (we love nature crafts!).

I am thankful for Nature's bounty!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry, I'll try again...It is nice that your boys made it easier for the squirrels. :) You do have a lot of acorns!!

  3. I haven't seen oaks much so the acorns, but they look lovely. They look like some of our palm nuts.

  4. Such bounty, indeed! Man, I thought we had a lot of acorns! Yours are much bigger than ours and shiny. So pretty and I love the generous spirits of your sweet, Karin.

  5. Z żołędzi jest podwójna korzyść, zwierzęta mają jedzenie, a Ty kapelusze do robienia ozdób. Spadającym żołędziem z drzewa wolałabym nie dostać po głowie :-). Pozdrawiam

  6. Dziękuję za rewizytę :-). Tak na zdjęciu jest mimoza. Ona nie rośnie w Polsce , ja to zdjęcie robiłam na południu Francji. Pozdrawiam

  7. So wish we had one oak tree...we used to live amongst 100 foot black walnut trees...we had thousands of those all over. We could tell if it was going to be an easy winter if the squirrels left the nuts lying about...When they planted every one of them we knew we were in for a record snowfall...who needs the weather man when we have squirrels...

  8. The squirrels will be wondering who took all the acorns. However, I'm sure you left plenty for them! I think you may have as many acorns as we do.

  9. My squirrels would be jealous of your squirrels if they saw all those acorns. :o) I have a laurel oak that produces some acorns but not as many as you have. I always think of their tops as little hats, too.

  10. Good bounty of acorns. Keeping the squirrels happy?


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