Thanksgiving 30 Day Challenge: Day 30!

Thirty Days of Giving Thanks has come to an end. This has been a wonderful experience for me. The days passed a little more slowly as I savored the special moments each day. As I focused on my November garden I became more aware of the often overlooked and perhaps under appreciated things in my garden. It also gave me time to reflect on all the wonderful people in my life and all the joy they bring.

Today, I want to give a special shout out to my wonderful gardening partner, my husband. I am so fortunate that he shares my love for gardening and the outdoors. Without him our gardens wouldn't be what they are. 

He has cleared all the underbrush from our wooded lot so that we actually have a place to garden; he digs the holes for all the plants in our rock hard clay, and lays all the hardscaping. He is much better at envisioning the garden design than I am. He was the brains behind the woodland garden beds and paths, installed the wall between the orchard and the vegetable garden, built the raised beds for the kitchen garden and planted all the trees.  Not to mention all the regular maintenance like mowing, laying mulch, trimming and pruning. The list goes on and on…I am so blessed that he shares my passion and together we create our special retreat.

A huge thank you to everyone who has visited my blog and provided their support, thoughts and comments and shared in my journey.  I am grateful for all the inspiration, advice, creativity and passion for the natural world and gardening that you provide. xo!

And, a special thanks to Cat at The Whimsical Gardener for hosting this inspirational challenge! It has been fun!


  1. A lovely post and a great photo collage! I enjoy reading your blog and your fab photography.

  2. nice wrap up collage! yay for gardening husbands, i agree. mine does the same things you mentioned around here and i'm so grateful for that, too.

  3. ps your children are just beautiful...they look a lot like mine! hehe.

  4. Karin it has been such an inspiration for us as readers as well...ho wonderful to have a garden husband helps even though he does not like gardening.

  5. Jennifer@threedogsinagarden
    Congratulations on completing your Thanksgiving challenge. It must be wonderful to share a love of gardening with your husband. Mine has zero interest, although he too has been a great help with construction projects, the lifting and hauling. I am thankful for this help, but still wish he had a passion for weeding!

  6. What an endearing tribute to your helpful husband! I'm so glad you joined the challenge, Karin. It's been inspirational and encouraging to learn of the bits of life you're thankful for. Thanks too for all your kind comments and faithful following of TWG!

  7. Congratulations. I admire your perseverance in pursuing this challenge. It seems like you got a lot out of it. My husband is a huge help with Carolyn's Shade Gardens--we are both blessed.

  8. Woot! Congratulations! I love your mosaic, and I've enjoyed following your blog during the 30-day challenge. It must be a great feeling of accomplishment. Cheers!

  9. Beautiful collage. You're very fortunate to have such a great gardening partner. I wish mine liked the garden more because it feels like I could use an extra hand just about all the time.

  10. Love the collage as a wrap up. 30 days is a triumph and congrats. It is wonderful that your husband plays a part in the garden and is most helpful. You chose to honor him so nicely.

  11. What a sweetie! I also love your collage! I do all the work in my garden except for some tough guy digging done by my son. My husband is supportive in his own way but leaves the garden to me, which is fine! I loved following your thankful posts. :o)

  12. Lovely collage - so nice to capture what you're grateful for each day in a visual way. Somewhere recently I heard that ingratitude is the root of all sins ... I like that you're teaching your kids to be grateful - the Thankful Tree is a great idea!


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