Thanksgiving 30 Day Challenge: Day 3

Care less for your harvest 

than for how it is shared 

and your life will have meaning 

and your heart will have peace

~ Kent Nerburn



Today I am thankful to be able to share my harvest of persimmon with you.



  1. Thanks...that was delicious! Your persimmons look scrumptious, and you must be very grateful to have them.

  2. Ooooh, yum! Ours aren't quite ready yet, we have a later ripening variety...although I'm willing to wait, as it's called 'Chocolate' ;) I can't wait to have persimmons in the kitchen though, and bake my husband's grandmother's persimmon cookies! What will you do with these?

  3. I have never seen persimmons growing so this was indeed a treat...yum!!

  4. Sage Butterfly, I am thrilled! This is our first year growing them and I am very excited about how much fruit we got.

    CVF, your chocolate variety sounds very interesting as do those cookies! Do you share recipes? I have a recipe for persimmon cheesecake that I am anxious to try.

    Thanks Donna, this is our first year and I just love how the fruit looks and can't wait to cook with them!

  5. wow, are those ever cool. I've never seem a persimmon before. At first I thought they were apricots.

  6. They look beautiful and delicious. I like that quote too.

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  8. Those are gorgeous! I'm curious what you'll make with them.

  9. They make a pretty picture too. I never had a persimmon.

  10. They are beautiful! I've never tasted them but have always thought it would be a treat. Someday.

  11. Pretty. They look good. Persimmon cheesecake? I've never heard of anything like that. But any kind of cheesecake sounds great!


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