Bad Hair Day?
Occasionally we all have a bad hair day. But can you imagine going through life with crazy hair every day? Look at this guy.
He can't decided if he wants a Mohawk or a Fauxhawk or something in between.
My son thinks he looks like the brushes in the drive through car wash or maybe a toothbrush.
Nevertheless, you have to admit that he is a captivating looking caterpillar with his bright red head and mid-dorsal tufts and black and yellow stripes. He is the white-marked tussock moth caterpillar.
These caterpillars can be found feeding on a wide variety of deciduous and conifer trees. My husband found this one while clearing an area at the corner end of our property on a woody plant. They are common in late summer when other caterpillar activity is otherwise ebbing.
This is a common caterpillar in wooded areas of the Eastern United States and southern Canada over to Texas. If you see one be warned that its hair can cause an allergic reaction and skin irritation so be mindful if you handle one. Otherwise enjoy its bad hair day.