GBBD: May 2012

May has been an idyllic spring nights, warm days and a fair amount of rain. The conditions are perfect for the plants. Unfortunately, the gardener has had a terribly busy schedule and not spent enough time in the garden.

Hence a quick walk through the garden this afternoon and a late Garden Blogger's Bloom Day post.

St. John's Wort is a bee magnet. Their open, yellow blooms are very attractive to these pollinators.

The day lilies have begun their parade. I like the concept that a single bloom only blooms for one day. With the heat we endure it is nice to have fresh, gorgeous color each day. Unfortunately, I don't remember any of the names of my day lilies.

The irises I purchased two years ago were moved away from the house to a sunny spot near our newly installed mini pond. Apparently, this is what they needed because they are blooming for the first time. I didn't even remember what color the blooms were suppose to be. Turns out to be a lovely yellow.

The Zebra Swallowtail butterflies have been feasting on the white Lantana in the Blue and White garden.

The violas are still going strong. Soon it will be far too hot for them and they will fade and reseed for next year. I find a lot of volunteers all over my garden from previous years.

The Variegated Fritillary also discovered these lovely blooms.  My son found two teeny tiny caterpillars on the violas. This is a first in our garden!!! Hopefully in several weeks we will see the butterflies.

The white petunias bring some cheer to the gardenia garden. A lone red bloom in the sea of white really pops.

In the kitchen garden the raspberries are offering their first picking of the season.

We started last week with a handful a day and today we harvested a big bowl full. Enough to eat with a little yogurt for breakfast or over ice cream for an evening dessert.

The blueberries are getting close. Looks like we will have a bounty harvest next month.

Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting each month. Be sure to pop over to see what is blooming around the world.

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