Thank you!
My week has
been very busy and I have found very little time to spend at my computer to
blog. You know those weeks when there is one urgent issue that has to be addressed after another and you never get to your weeks "to do" list. Well, it has been one of those weeks. So, imagine my surprise when I finally got to blogging and discovered that I have been awarded the Versatile Blogger award from Julia at Polka Dot Galoshes, Sheila at Green Place , Tammy at Casa Mariposa and Theta at Girl Sprout NM. Yippee! It really made my week to be appreciated by my garden blogging friends!
So the deal is that first I have to tell you seven random things about me, hmmmm....
1. I am fascinated with the world of fungi.
2. I find painting, not artistically on canvas but walls in my house, a form of relaxation.
3. I can't go to sleep if there are dishes still in the sink.
4. I am a warm weather person and don't mind at all when we have mild winters.
5. I love a good glass of wine!
6. My favorite book as a child was Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book.
7. Don't speak to me before I have had my first cup of coffee :O)
8. Here is a bonus one: My newest addiction is Pinterest!
Now that you know 7, no 8 useless things about me, I am to pass along this award. There are so many wonderful blogs that I read and many have already been nominated. Here are a few worthy reads I would like to recognize...
Kelli's Northern Ireland Garden - As her blog title suggests Kelli gardens in the beautiful countryside of Northern Ireland using organic methods. She has a lovely garden and nice selection of plants with great gardening tips.
A Charlotte Garden - a self described plank geek, Daricia has created a woodland sanctuary in Charlotte, North Carolina. She holds a certificate in Native Plants.
On Botanical Photography - a tree lover and amazing photographer Lula writes about flora and fauna in Belgium.
The Whimsical Gardener - through remarkable photographs and angles Cat illustrates her love for plants and wildlife in her whimsical garden.
Sunny Side Up - see Eve's passion for birds and adventure in shade gardening with her dogs at this awesome blog.
Wife, Mother, Gardener - Julie gardens in Pennsylvania and puts a lot of thought into garden design and succession planting. She always has something wonderful in her garden year round.
Garden Eye View - Donna gardens in New York state with a very keen eye. She is a published poet and incorporates her love of the written word into her posts.
Rhone Street Gardens - Scott does some amazing things in his small garden in Oregon. His attention to detail and plant combination has fabulous results.
Canoe Corner - Marguerite blogs about establishing a new home and garden in her Prince Edward Island, Canada community.
Green Apples - this is a fabulous blog by Donna (from Garden Walk Garden Talk) that brings the inside out and the outside in. Donna brings her expertise as an Architect and gardener together to provide breathtaking photos of nature and excellence in design.
Canoe Corner - Marguerite blogs about establishing a new home and garden in her Prince Edward Island, Canada community.
Green Apples - this is a fabulous blog by Donna (from Garden Walk Garden Talk) that brings the inside out and the outside in. Donna brings her expertise as an Architect and gardener together to provide breathtaking photos of nature and excellence in design.
For those nominated the rules are pretty simple:
- Post the Versatile Blogger Award to your post/blog
- Thank the blogger who nominated you with a link back to his/her blog
- Share 7 random pieces of information about yourself
- Include this set of rules
- Forward this award to fellow bloggers and inform them with a comment on their blogs
Have a wonderful weekend y'all! xo!