Wordless Wednesday: Blue with a Spot of Red


  1. Ladybugs - ever so welcome in the garden and good luck, too! I'm impressed you were able to get a sharp focus on such a small bug ...

  2. What a great shot! I love ladybugs...and irises. The contrast of those rich colors is something I could stare at for a very long time.

  3. What is it about ladybugs? They just hurtle you back to childhood with the wonder of their existence and simple beauty!

  4. I just ordered ladybugs for my garden...I have a house for them that is so cute and I am trying to get them to stay in the garden...should be fun...lovely pics

  5. Fantastic photos! I always love it when I unexpectedly catch a bug in my pictures.

  6. What a beautiful shot! Gosh I love lady bugs, its stunning against the blue petal, great capture...LOVE IT!!

  7. Lovely photo! Amazing blue.


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