Happy New Year

It is a cold and rainy day in my neck of the woods. Under most circumstances not the ideal way to ring in the new year. However, there is always beauty to be found if you keep your eyes open, especially with mother nature around. What a character she is! And, so today as I was braving the weather walking out to the mailbox I noticed the rain drops hanging like ornaments from the cherry trees. What beauty! It reminded me of John Updike ...

Rain is grace;
Rain is the sky condescending to the earth;
Without rain, there would be no life.

And so on this gloomy, rainy, cold and foggy day I am wishing that each day of the coming year be vibrant and new, bringing along many reasons for celebration. Wishing 12 months of happiness, 52 weeks of fun, 365 days of laughter, 8,760 hours of goodness, 525,600 minutes of joy and 31,536,000 seconds of success and wishing all a very happy new year! May each day fill your life with happiness and bright cheer and bring you joy and prosperity for the whole year.

Life is beautiful! Enjoy it!


  1. Karin:
    I enjoyed your musings about gardening!
    Keep Jackson County Beautful has recently established a Beautification Committee that focuses on landscaping. Our first project was the median at the County Courthouse.
    The Committee consists mostly of local Master Gardeners.
    If yo'd like to join us, please let me know!
    Dave Rosselle
    Talmo, GA
    Cell: 404-408-8406

  2. Thank you! I am starting the Master Gardener course next week. I would love to help out and get more involved in Jackson County. The work of the Beautification Committee and Keep Jackson County Beautiful are definitely of interest to me. I would love to join y'all in your endeavors.


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